Lecture 24: Lecture 23 repeat
Lecture 22: Topic 14: DOM - html page information
Lecture 20: Topic 12: OOPs: creating object templates & objects: way 3 - with Object.create() method
Lecture 17: for loop and while loop: more examples
Lecture 16: Topic 11: JS use of 'while loop'
Lecture 15: Topic 10: JS use of 'for loop'
Lecture 14: Topic 9: JS if, else if & else
Lecture 13: Lecture 11&12 repeat
Lecture 12: Topic 8: Operators: logical, ternary, typeof
Lecture 10: Topic 7: String: property and methods - 8 to 14
Lecture 8: Topic 6: JS Operations with Object
Lecture 7: Topic 5: JS Operations with Array
Lecture 3: Topic 3: JS truthy and falsy values
Lecture 1: Topic 1: Data Types in JS
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