Install VS code and node.js in your PC and connect VS code to node.js then type the code in VS code and run in its terminal.
//Revision Lecture 1: 24 Sep 2022
//Topic 1: //* Data Types in JS *//
//1) string
//2) number
//3) boolean
//4) undefined
//5) NaN
//6) object
//7) array
//1) String: everything written in single or double quotes is a string
let a = 'Tuljabhavani';
let a2 = "Tuljapur";
let a3 ='500';
console.log(typeof(a)) // result--> string
console.log(typeof(a2)) // result--> string
console.log(typeof(a3)) // result--> string
//in JS string + number is considered as a string
let b = "Amol" + 10
console.log(typeof(b)) // result--> string
console.log(b) // result--> Amol10
//if arithmetic operations with numbers are after string then it will not perform that operations
let b2 = "Amol" + 10 + 5
console.log(b2) // result--> Amol105
//if arithmetic operations with numbers are before string then it will perform that operations
let b3 = 10 + 5 + "Amol"
console.log(b3) // result--> 15Amol
//2) Number: any +ve, -ve number, number with decimals
let a4 = 50;
let a5 = 50.7;
let a6 = 200/100
console.log(typeof(a4)) // result--> number
console.log(typeof(a5)) // result--> number
console.log(typeof(a6)) // result--> number
//3) Boolean: boolean has only two values - true or false
let a7 = true;
let a8 = false;
let a9 = 5 > 4
console.log(typeof(a7)) // result--> boolean
console.log(typeof(a8)) // result--> boolean
console.log(typeof(a9)) // // result--> boolean
//4) undefined: any variable whose value is not defined
let a10;
console.log(typeof(a10)) // result--> undefined
//5) NaN: when result of arithmetic operation can't be expressed then output is NaN (Not-a-Number)
let a11 = 12/"solapur"
console.log(a11) // result--> NaN
//6) Object: objects are written with curley braces
let a12 = {FirstName: 'jivan'}
console.log(typeof a12) // result--> object
//7) Array: arrays are written with square brackets
//the type of array is also a object because everything in JS is an object
let a13 = ['amol', 'Jayesh']
console.log(typeof(a13)) // result--> object
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